Meet the Team

Our Board of Directors

Paul Taubman speaking at the 2023 New York Cares Gala

The Board of Directors consists of dedicated professionals who guide our strategy and lead funding for our core mission.

With a wealth of experience in the private and public sectors, the Board of Directors ensures we continually meet our mission as the needs of New York City change.

Board Leadership


Paul J. Taubman
Chairman and CEO, PJT Partners

Vice President

Neil K. Dhar
Global Managing Partner, Consulting, IBM

Vice President

John B. Ehrenkranz
Chief Investment Officer, Ehrenkranz Partners L.P.

Vice President

Michael Graham
Senior Managing Director & Country Head - USA, OMERS Private Equity USA


Keith A. Grossman
President, Enterprise, MoonPay


Jeanne A. Straus
President, Straus News, Our Town, West Side Spirit, Our Town Downtown

Board Members

James L. Amine
Partner, Global Infrastructure Partners

Audrey Choi

K. Don Cornwell
Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Dynasty Equity

Michele D. Cubic
Managing Director, Global Family and Institutional Wealth UBS

Shea Fink
Bloomberg Philanthropies

Joyce Frost
Partner, Riverside Risk Advisors LLC

Gus Garcia
President, Graf Acquisition SPACs

Trent Hagale
Partner, PwC

Gail B. Harris
President Emeritus, Board Director and Investor

Karl Kellner
Senior Partner, McKinsey & Company

Edward F. Petrosky
Partner, Sidley Austin LLP

Dr. Denniston M. Reid, Jr.
Co-Chief Executive Officer, Excellence Community Schools

Matthew Slovik
Managing Director and Head of Global Sustainable Finance, Morgan Stanley

Julie Turaj

Robert Walsh

Janet Zagorin
Principal, Opal Strategy LLC

Adam Zotkow
Partner, Goldman Sachs

Honorary Board Members

Edward Adler
Partner, RLM Finsbury

Richard Bilotti
Head of Technology, Media, and Telecommunications Research, P. Schoenfeld Asset Management

Cheryl Cohen Effron

Ken Giddon
President, Rothman's Union Square

Sheldon Hirshon, Esq.
SIH Enterprises, a Division of MC Acquisitions LLC

Robert Levitan
Chief Executive Officer, Pando Networks, Inc.

David Rabin
Partner, The Lambs Club and Double Seven

Michael Schlein
President and CEO, Accion International

As of 12/31/2024. 
Affiliations for identification purposes only.